
Global Pizza Party: Craiova

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 06:00 PM GMT+3 to 09:00 PM GMT+3

You're invited to PizzaDAO's 4th annual Global Pizza Party with ARTBEES GALLERY at Alt12 Garden, Caiova, Romania, in honor of Bitcoin Pizza Day

It's been 14 years since May 22, 2010, when Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoin. Today, 10,000 bitcoin buys a lot more than two pizzas!

We think that's a big deal. So in partnership with our friends at [Metacampus], (https://metacampus.io) NounsDAO, Unlock Protocol, [Alai Tattoo] and the World Pizza Champions we are throwing our biggest Global Pizza Party yet! We're expecting well over 10,000 total attendees across more than 150 cities worldwide.

Post with #GlobalPizzaParty and join our Global Zoom to see what's happening at all the other events!

Contracts :

This event is over. It is not possible to register for it anymore.